
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Back-to-School Freebie Frenzy Hop!!!!

I am excited to be participating in a Back-to-School blog hop with my friends from Fifth Grade Freebies!  This teachers are full of fantastic ideas to make your life easier in the classroom!

I am excited to share with you one of my students' favorite reward systems in my classroom!

Class Compliments is a class wide reward system, where the class earns STARS for receiving compliments from other teachers and staff members in the building besides their teacher.   They may receive a compliments by walking in the hall quietly, having good behavior as a class in a special or having a clean table in the lunch room.  The list can go on and on.  The goal is to have some one else notice their good behavior as a class. 

When the class earns their tenth star, they are rewarded with something special.  My classes have done movie and popcorn, games, ice cream sundae party, reading in tents, among other things!

I find that this is a simple way to reward class behavior without making more work for me!

You can click on the picture above or HERE to download this free product in my store!  If you download the product, please leave feedback!

In addition to all of the fabulous freebies you can score on this blog hop, you can also be entered to win a $50 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card!

Make sure you enter!

Are you ready for your next stop???

Click on over to Surfing to Success for your next freebie!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

TpT Sellers Challenge: Week 3 Make Your Masterpiece

I am so excited to be back blogging this week!!!  I am once again taking the TpT Sellers challenge.  This week the theme is Make Your Masterpiece.  We were challenged to finish a product and swap it with another seller.

So drum roll please.....introducing my newest product!!!

I created a Base Ten Block Scavenger Hunt.  I created this product because one of students asked for more practice using Base Ten blocks.  We had worked on place value using the Base Ten Blocks in math and we practiced using a worksheet from one of the Moffat Girls No Prep Packets.  He begged for more practice so I developed this product.

I love taking task cards and placing them around the room and sending students on a hunt.  My students enjoy moving around and will help each other find the problems they are missing.  This always helps when we need a change of pace or some movement in the classroom!

You can check out my new product in my store by clicking HERE.

I am off to finish preping for tomorrow's summer school!  

Sunday, June 21, 2015

TpT {Seller} Challenge Week 1: Multiplication Properties Scavenger Hunt

Hello...anyone out there???  I am so embarrassed that I have not blogged in forever.  This school year has kicked my butt and I come home with no energy to do much of anything.  I don't have much of a summer break either because we have a six week summer session.  I am going to try and rekindle my blog and TpT store.  I have not done much of anything lately! 

I am excited to join over 1000 TpT Sellers in a four week TpT {Seller} challenge! I feel like this challenge is just what the doctor ordered for my TpT Store.  

Here are my beginning stats...there is defiantly room for improvement!

Week one's challenge was to makeover one of your products...change font/graphics, add new pages, overhaul it.  I decided to makeover my best seller.  It was one of the first products I ever made and it was time to give it a makeover.

I love bright colors and I felt this product needed some bright bold colors.  I also changed the font and I updated the recording sheets. You can check out this product in my store or by clicking here.  I have big plans to makeover some other products, so keep a watch out!

I am off to start report cards and make some lesson plans for this last week before break!  Enjoy your Sunday!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Currently

Hello Fabulous Blogging Friends!

I am excited to be linking up with Farley for her monthly Currently!

Listening- Hart of Dixie is my new favorite show.  It reminds me a little of Gilmore Girls, which is a favorite.  I like keeping it on in the background when I am working.  What is your background thing to listen to?

Loving- I have been blessed with some amazing friends!  I love to laugh with them, cry with them and challenge each other to be better people.

Thinking- It is snowing again!!!  It has been snowing all day and is suppose to continue through the night.  I am wondering when it is all going to come to an end!

Wanting- SPRING...see above!

Needing- Lesson Plans...even with the possibility of a two hour delay or no school tomorrow I don't want to take a chance!  Lesson Plans need to get finished!

Spring Break Plans- relax is the major plan, hanging out with friends, maybe put in some skiing and watch some basketball...I really want to go to the sweet 16 which is taking place in Albany!

Go check out the other fabulous bloggers who are linking up with Farley!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A Superhero Product!

You are a Superhero!!!  You may not feel it all the time, but as a teacher YOU ARE a superhero!  Because of this Teachers Pay Teachers is honoring teachers with a sale!  

Click HERE to go to my store!

With the upcoming TpT sale, we want to help you find "heroic" products that have helped others in their classrooms. I recently received some wonderful feedback on my Bones & Muscles Interactive Notebook.  This provides you with various interactive notebooks pieces that help reinforce vocabulary and concepts related to Bones & Muscles.  

Click the picture above or HERE to go to the product.

Make sure you check out Fifth in the Middle's linky party.  There are some terrific products highlighted by some awesome bloggers!  Go check it out!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

February Currently

WOW...It has been a while since I have blogged!  I don't know what is the matter with me this year!  I hope to become better, even if it is just once a week.  I have ideas in my head, I just can't them onto the computer.  I haven't even been keeping up with Currently! But, I am home with a headache so I thought it was a perfect day to do some blogging!

Listening- I woke up with a bad heachache and didn't have the energy to get dressed for church so I decided to listen online to a church I went to in South Florida.  Christ Fellowship is an ever growing church that has expanded since my days there.  I love listening every once and a while in order to hear former pastors and listen to their amazing worship!  Check out Go Christ Fellowship Online.

Loving- We have had a mix of two hour delays and snow days since Christmas break.  It has been a nice change of pace.  The school I work at received kids from various different school districts so sometimes they will have a two hour delay, but the school will not.  There have been times I have started the day with only 2 out of 8 kids until about 10:30 then the rest get there.  It has been a little strange, but I have made it work!  It is nice to have a little one on one time with some of my students.

Thinking-  I have amazing friends and I am so blessed by all the knowledge that they have given me.  Most of my friends don't live near me and I am blessed that when we see each other or talk, we pick up right where we left off!

Wanting- I was thinking about all of my student loans lately.  There is a bunch and I would love to be debt free and have them all paid off.  I am going to work hard this next year to try and pay a little more each month. 

Needing- Lesson plans and report cards need to be done.  I hesitant to write lesson plans because we are suppose to get 12-16 inches of snow tonight and I write them or wait...Report cards are due on Friday so I need to start working on those.  I also have annual reviews coming up so I need to start thinking about goals for my students!

Pageant Title-  Queen of Procrastination...yes that is me!  I always say, 'I work better under pressure!'

Check other bloggers Currently!

I am also throwing a quick TpT sale today and tomorrow!  Check out my store for 20% off everything!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Fifth Grade Freebie Blog Hop!!!

Hello Blogging Friends!

I am so excited to be teaming up with a wonderful group of fifth grade teachers to bring you an amazing blog hop of 

First, a little about me!  I have taught third grade and fifth grade in two different private Christian school.  I am currently teaching a 3rd-4th grade class at a school for students with Behavioral and Emotional problems.

 The years I spent in fifth grade, I spent learning to love my fifth graders and teaching them new and exciting things.  I was blessed to have great students who were excited to learn.  Some of my favorite topics to teach them were about the two world wars, rocks and minerals, biomes and anything math!  I tried to make learning exciting each day and challenge them to think a little harder on certain topics!

Now for my freebie!!!!

One of my favorite subjects to teach was math!  I love math!  Most kids don't have the same feeling about math as I do, so I always tried to give them tools to help them remember some of the concepts.  One tool I gave them was a divisibility rules reference sheet.  I would actually give them two to paste in their notebook and one to keep at home.  They would refer to this so often to figure out what large numbers were divisible by.

Click the picture below to grab my Divisibility Rules Reference Sheet!

I have a few other Divisibility products in my store for you to check out!  
Click on the picture below to take you to my store!

Check out our Fifth Grade Freebies Blog to enter to win one of THREE 
$25 TpT Gift Cards!!!

Fifth Grade Freebies

Thanks for hopping to my blog.  Click on Katie from Teaching...the art of possibility's icon for your next freebie!!!
